Designing a Requirements Portal
IAG Consulting can design, develop and implement an on-line resource center/work-space for Business Analysts and those involved in defining or using project requirements.
The portal can be a collaborative work-space managing requirements activities and deliverables for current projects or can be a resource center for the stakeholders and Business Analysts to reference the process, best practices and templates.

This on-line reference library for the organization’s Business Analysts and interested parties may include such standard web-components as:
Diagrams of the overall process, and specific requirements activities
High-level Diagram(s) for the Requirements process and its integration with other organization processes and their deliverables
Detailed descriptions of the Requirements Activities (including Purpose, Components, Component Steps, Entry and Exit Criteria, Input documentation, Resulting Work Products)
Work Guidelines
Templates and Template User Guides
On-line training courses, presentations, e-books and reference material
Quick Reference Sheets
As well as user-designed and provided components such as: