IAG Consulting offers a third party assessment of your current requirements and business analysis capabilities. Using interviews, testing and behavioral questionnaires, IAG prepares an analytical report which includes specifically targeted recommended actions based on the rating of your current requirements processes, staff competency, practices, techniques, tools, level of organizational support and quality of deliverables and results. Typically the research and interviews are conducted in a one-day onsite visit and the detailed report is provided to the client within one week of the engagement.

1 to 2 days on-site, one week to prepare report.

Interviews, Testing and Questionnaires.

Project Sponsors or representatives, End Users, Project Managers, Application Development Managers, Business and Systems Analysts.

Requirements Management Maturity Assessment Report
The detailed report provides you with insights about:
- Your standing against industry norms and realistic benchmarks
- Identification of organizational and individual gaps in requirements knowledge, skills and abilities
- Commentary on the maturity of your requirements process, staff, practices, tools, and organization
- Suggestions for an action plan to meet your objectives
This analysis will start you on a targeted and prioritized initiative to:
- Improve requirements processes and practices.
- Enhance the skills of your Business Analysts
- Improve Client/Analyst/IT relations.
- Deploy a standardized, defined, repeatable and managed requirements and design process.
- Improve job satisfaction within the Business Analyst role.