Engage IAG Consulting to assist in the implementation of a Requirements Center of Excellence (RCoE) that has the effective structure and value added service offering needed for the application development and business areas.
Numerous studies on the success of IT development projects continue to indicate that the single largest factor for project failure is poor requirements. There can be several reasons for this:
Requirements practices are too loosely defined or inconsistently applied
Project plans are developed without sufficient consideration to stakeholder requirements
Organizations lack expertly trained business analysis and requirements management staff; and so on.
The damage caused by inadequate requirements definition and business systems analysis results in costs overruns, missed milestones, low employee morale, poor software delivery and compromised customer satisfaction.
IAG helps clients complete their IT projects effectively on time and within budget by implementing an organizational infrastructure focused on the business’ requirements. Built on our 14 years of experience in delivering successful projects through better requirements, IAG can help you build an organization assured of success and featuring the best practices, deliverable models, delivery tools, checklists, and templates designed to complement and support leading industry standards bodies and methodologies such as RUP®, CMMI® , IEEE, Six Sigma and IIBA.
IAG has extensive experience developing and establishing Requirements Centers of Excellence. An assessment is conducted to baseline your current requirements management capabilities and maturity level. We will guide your team through a discovery process in the development of requirements definition and management processes, standards and a customized requirements management methodology.
A phased RCoE or BA CofE implementation plan is developed based on the specific needs of your organization.
If you are treating your Business Analysis and Requirements Management seriously, consider using industry experts to help guide you along the path to success. We will help you in all the critical areas of implementing an RCoE, from the requirements methodology, to requirements administration and management, roles and responsibilities, Project Manager relationship management, Client relationship management, Business Analysts and Requirements Managers, outsourcing, training and professional development, organization change management, tools and technology.