Business Architecture Training

Business Architecture Training

IAG’s architecture curriculum of courses teach a practical set of best practices, but more importantly, how to apply them. Participants can learn industry standard frameworks and methods in Enterprise Architecture and Business Architecture from leaders in the industry. Our instructors explain, demonstrate, and provide real-world examples. Workshop participants learn how they can immediately apply architectural thinking to their strategic and tactical business initiatives and decisions.
These courses build on, are compatible with, and help to explain and apply standards and frameworks from OMG, The Open Group, Zachman, and the BizBOK(TM).
All our courses are extremely results-oriented. Instructors are seasoned consultants with years of project experience. It is usual and expected that participants apply the techniques and practices immediately when they return to the office.

Business Architecture Courses

Business Architecture Training Services

Public Course Offering

From time to time, IAG holds live instructor-led public business architecture classes online. Visit IAG’s online store or our course calendar for public courses on business architecure.

Onsite Courses

For a list of business architecture courses that can be offered or tailored offered by IAG and our partners contact us.

Coaching & Mentoring Services

IAG offers remote and onsite assistance to help Business Architects apply the skills they have learned on our programs and engagements. IAG strives to provide the highest quality coaching, mentoring, and support services to our customers as they pursue efforts to apply business architecture best practices and develop internal expertise and competency.

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